Saturday, July 30, 2011

Simple strategies to effectively control acne blemishes

Acne Makeup

They face the development, most adolescents spots acne at some point and could be considered a normal part of growing up. The hormones in our body at that time stimulate the production of excess sebum and skin cells that can clog pores. These clogged pores are great places for bacteria to grow, and inflammation and spots are the result.

Acne Makeup

However, there are some things we do to control acne blemishes. The following tips will ensure minimumSpot for most people suffering from mild forms of acne, but must always ask, with more severe acne a dermatologist for specific treatment.

Acne Makeup

It 'is a common myth that acne is caused by poor diet, the damage is caused. Eating fatty foods and chocolate, then it can not be healthy in other ways, do not cause acne. In rare cases, allergies to certain foods may aggravate your acne, so if you have a model of what you seeThe diet and acne, you should avoid these foods. You should also make sure to drink plenty of water every day to clean the skin from within.

Acne Makeup

Some people associate with acne impure, another myth that we need to discuss. Wash your face twice a day with mild soap and warm water may help the skin cells and oil to eliminate the cause of acne. However, with a strong alcohol-based cleaners or rubbing your face too hard or tooOften it can irritate the skin and actually worsen your acne.

Oil from your hands can open clogged pores that cause acne help, you must be careful not to touch the face too. Now you know what you'll be surprised how many times do not touch your face during the day and how many of your spots are concentrated in the areas of contact in general. You want your hair from your face and keep it because it can also transfer the oil.

Respectthrough the skin products you use on your face. If you are prone to acne and want to use some products to avoid that, you can buy on the counter-treatment with low concentrations of benzoyl peroxide. This is an effective way to dry all the flaws and unblock pores, so that is not the acne before.

If you do moisturizers or face creams that her water-based oil and unfounded. The type of products to use is, as describednon-comedogenic. You should avoid heavy make-up, especially oil-based variety. If you have stains, you may be tempted to cover the battery on the basis of sound, but it is possible to develop products to ensure good coverage without having to buy to give your acne.

If you use make-up applicators and brushes, wash them regularly in hot water and soap to prevent the bacteria do not build on it and transfer it to your face. This also applies to clothing or facialwhatever you use to wash your face. If they contain oils and bacteria, will do more harm than good.

Many people believe that exposure to sunlight clears your acne. Though the sun may temporarily dry spots exist, producing extra that cause acne worse in the long run. Exposing the skin to the sun increases the risk of developing cancer of skis can not be recommended.

The last and most importantto remember when you try to control your acne spots is not to press! It 'very tempting, but the bacteria deeper into the skin and make the stain worse and more lasting.

Simple strategies to effectively control acne blemishes

Acne Makeup

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